Friday, November 5, 2010

The First Preparations

So I know I just made the first post, but I thought I'd go ahead and make the post of what's been done already as well.
So far I have:
Gotten my passport.
Turned in my acceptance and waivers.
Filed my placement information with Pro-World.
Filed my flight requests.
Started my vaccinations.  I've gotten 5 in the last week and still have one more to go.  I might be like a pin cushion right now, but at least I won't get deathly sick over there.

That's all for now.  I'll find out about my flights on Monday, so look for another post then!

PS, I know the ads are annoying, but I'm trying to get some money from them to offset the trip.  Feel free, but not obligated ;-) to click on as many as you'd like!

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